
rustdoc tools or process tips?

The thing I’m struggling with is adding the source code to my docs in an efficient manner and without messing up the weird mix of code comments (/// or //!) + Markdown formatting.

Anyway, I’m wondering, how are people doing this currently?

rustdoc tools or process tips? from rust

El cangrejo Ferris

Imágenes para descargar en diferentes formatos del cangrejo Ferris, la mascota no oficial del lenguaje de programación Rust.


Using WebAssembly to speed up a Web App by 20X (Case Study)

WebAssembly is a new language that runs in the browser alongside JavaScript. Yes, that’s right. JavaScript is no longer the only language that runs in the browser!

But beyond just being “not JavaScript”, its distinguishing factor is that you can compile code from languages such as C/C++/Rust (and more!) to WebAssembly and run them in the browser.


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Actix web, un servidor web rápido para Rust

Actix web soporta HTTP/1.x y HTTP/2, streaming y pipelining, enrutamiento, compatibilidad con Tokio.rs, soporte a WebSockets, compresión/descompresión transparente de contenidos (br, gzip, deflate, zstd), servir ficheros estáticos, etc…

GitHub...: https://github.com/actix/actix-web
crates.io: https://crates.io/crates/actix-web
docs.rs..: https://docs.rs/actix-web/latest/actix_web