
Rebuffing the Attack of the Clones

How the author teach new users not to clone.


Rust para optimizar una plataforma con 11 millones de usuarios concurrentes

Interesante caso de uso: «We needed a data structure capable of holding hundreds of thousands of entries, sorted in a particular way that can accept and process tons of mutations, and can report back indices of where things are being added and removed


Announcing diesel-factories 0.1.0

Inserting data into your database in unit/integration tests.


Un servidor HTTP ¿estático? hecho en Rust


Rust vectors can contain …

Rust vectors can contain any number of elements (depending on memory) of the same type. Vectors are heap-allocated in Rust.


Rust Patterns: Enums instead of Booleans

The code intention is much more readable, more self documenting, and easier to grok.


Why does parse() require an except() or unwrap() method?

Spoiler, es para controlar la interpretación de cadenas que no sean números. Pero como siempre ocurre en la comunidad Rust, lo explican muy bien y muy detallado. Ideal para aprender.

Why does parse() require an except() or unwrap() method? from rust

Sobre cadenas estáticas en Rust

How can I create a static String in Rust? from rust